Crypto Luchadors is a 3D NFT collection inspired by Mexican wrestling.
Created by Onem and Top NFT guest artists from around the world such as

Kaman William, Mechnuggets, Piggos , Grumppi, Weird Kitties, Savage Dogs and more TBA.

1st Tournament

ThIS nft collection is based on a game that consists of a single-elimination bracket system tournament.

No matter how much armor, power, or stamina your luchador has, any fighter can win.

48 luchadores will enter the 1st Tournament


The Championship Belt.

When you buy a Luchador, you automatically enter the tournament for a chance to win the Championship belt

This award comes with :

  1. The NFT of the Championship Belt
  2. A NFT Digital comic created by a guest artist that tells the story of the final fight with an amazing 2d Illustration cover.
  3. A Metal 3d print of the Luchador Winner

Twitter Polls

Figths will happen on Twitter in which they will be decided by a poll, at the same time a thread will be generated to follow the fight through manga-like illustrations to support the interaction and voting decisions of the spectators.

Matches are decided by votes that count as one attack, and whoever has the highest number of votes wins!

*In case of losing a match, Luchador’s holders will have the chance to enter future tournaments


Special Attack Page

For every fight, a comic-manga style Special attack page* will be generated for each Luchador.

Also, Elite Luchador’s will get a secondary Special attack page for support.

Victory Page

The winner will get another page showing his/her victory.




NFT Collection

Summer 2021 / TBA

Very Rare and exclusive collection.

48 luchadors will be created for the first season (1/1 unique pieces)
These will be the fighters who will enter the first tournament.
Within this batch, 7-10 top Nft artists will be invited to collaborate and contribute to this collection.


1st Tournament

Summer 2021 / TBA

The first tournament is conducted using a bracket type elimination system.
More than 40 fights will take place on Twitter through polls.
Fans will vote for their favorite fighter.


1st tournament Comics.

Summer 2021 / TBA

Each match will be illustrated with a total of more than 40 fights.

The winner of the tournament in addition to winning the golden belt will also get a NFT with an incredible color cover that will include a comic with all the illustrated fights seen from the perspective of the Luchador winner.




Clothing, posters, keychains, accessories, and more will be available for sale, and holders will always have preferences, discounts, and giveaways.

There will also be a limited production of vinyl or Resin toys.


2nd Tournament


The second tournament will be different from the first, there will be more Luchadors and not all will be 1/1.
1/1 fighters from the first tournament will become rare.
More people will be able to enter the tournaments.


Animated Adult Series, Videogame?.


By creating the comics in each fight, we are creating the foundation to be able to move on to an adult animated series or a video game in the near future

Want to know more?


Can I resell my NFT Luchador?

Yes, of course, you can resell it at the price you like, it is yours

How long will the 1st tournament last?

From August to winter 2021. 2022, 2nd Tournament starting Spring – Fall 2022

What is unlocked when buying a Luchador?

When buying a Luchador unlocks a High Res Image in portrait mode and an MP4 video for your personal use.

What are my Copy Rights by owning a Crypto Luchador?

You have the right, to print it and / display it anywhere, on your mobile device, on a t-shirt, a poster, a keychain, a pin, on a mural in your home, etc. but only when it is for personal use.

But it CANNOT be used for commercial purposes without Onem’s permission.

Thanks for understanding.